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Countdown to Cap and Gown

March 6 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Plan to attend this information session to get details regarding graduation. Come with your questions and get them all answered at one time. Where to pick up your cap and gown and tickets? What does it mean to graduate with honors?  Get ready to celebrate your accomplishments with us! These questions and more will be answered during our virtual information session. Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend and learn more about our processes, the upcoming ceremony and the issuance of award documents.

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Meeting ID: 214 755 598 544 Passcode: c4bz9SG6

Dial in by phone +1 984-664-4412,,307073027# United States, Raleigh

Phone conference ID: 307 073 027#


March 6
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category: